15925 Carmenita Rd

Cerritos, CA 90703



TiE SoCal Labs

Inception Incubator - an accelerated learning environment to help create startups

From Idea to Market

TiE SoCal present the TiE SoCal Laboratories Incubator with:

Neeraj Bhavani
Founder at Tagnos
Ravi Kondagunta
Founder at TractionLabs
Smita Bagla
Managing Director at Alignstra
Sturdy McKee
Founder at SturdyCoaching.com

Pre-launch event Saturday, March 19, 2022

All Applications Due by Friday, March 25, 2022

Decisions rolling week from Monday, March 28, 2022

6 Sessions

Prematching : Idea, Needs, Hack-a-thon – 3 minute pitch followed by meet and greet.
  • Provide a framework to select possible co-founders/partners for the course.
  • Intro the next 6 sessions.

Ideation : Painting a picture of the business you want (Creating a Vision of Meaning) 
  • Team matching for potential co-founders.

Finding Product Market Fit, Going from 0 to 1: Choosing your Value Discipline, Defining Your Target Market, Brand Promise, and UVP.

Creating a MVP, and Strategic Planning, Alignment, and Engaging Your Team

Business Planning – Financials, Timeline, First Steps and Challenges for Year 1.

Telling Your Story – how to create a pitch that conveys your vision and connects with investors.
Fundraising and Funding Options to Scale and Grow.

UVP for TiE SoCal Inception Incubator by TiE SoCal Laboratories

You have an idea for a business, but the journey may seem daunting, or you just don’t know where to start. If this is you, then you will want to check out the TiE SoCal Labs Incubator Series. 

We have created a structured program to give you a path from idea to inception, to first customer(s), to your pitch development for raising funds. 

The TiE SoCal Labs Incubator Series provides

Learning and Direction

  • A sequenced and focused lecture series to learn the fundamental components you need to bring your idea to life.
  • Exercises to adapt and apply to you and your unique business .
  • Everything is designed for implementation to put you in a position to succeed.
  • Lessons will be recorded and available online for your review.

Mentorship and Experts

  • TiE SoCal Charter Members will provide guidance and be there to answer your questions every step of the way.
  • Selected experts from TiE and beyond will speak on their areas of expertise and will be your resource along your journey.

Opportunity to Raise Capital

  • You will have an opportunity to practice your pitch in front of real, accredited investors.
  • Feedback will be provided from instructors, investors and from selected TiE SoCal Angels.
  • While there is no guarantee that you will get funded at the end of the program, for those who complete all aspects of the program, they will have the opportunity to apply to pitch to one of the TiE SoCal Angels Funds with the recommendations of the course instructors.

A New and Expanded Network

  • You will gain exposure to TiE SoCal Charter Members, Regular Members, accredited investors, and entrepreneurs who have traveled the path before you.
  • You will work alongside other entrepreneurs embarking on their journey with you.
  • You are strongly encouraged to connect, and begin to cultivate relationships with all of these new people who will strengthen your network and bring you exposure to an exclusive network of investors, entrepreneurs, coaches, and mentors.

Incubator vs. Accelerator

“Incubators focus on early-phase startups that are in the product-development phase and do not have a developed business model. Accelerators focus on speeding up the growth of existing companies that already have a minimum viable product (MVP) in the hands of early adopters with an established product-market fit.”

~ Masterclass.com 

“Accelerators “accelerate” growth of an existing company, while incubators “incubate” disruptive ideas with the hope of building out a business model and company.”

~ Tech Republic

Our intent with this program is to provide an environment and training to empower aspiring entrepreneurs (or entrepreneurs with a proven track record) to take an idea they have for a product or service and bring that idea to life in the form of a business. 

This journey is where they can take their idea from square one, or nascency, through the creation, testing, development, and planning, to ultimately arrive at a place where they have their first customer(s) and can paint a picture of the future in order to attract and gain investors, piloting their idea and plans into a budding business positioned to thrive.